
(HAP)tember Pitching Competition with Be a Travel Writer

Want to get published in Hotels Above Par? Sign up for Be a Travel Writer — the industry’s leading program for those who aspire to become professional travel writers — and enter to win our first-ever (HAP)tember Pitching Competition. 

This limited-time partnership exclusively invites current Be a Travel Writer students and those who enroll by the contest deadline. As a bonus, use promo code BEATRAVELWRITER25 to save 25% off all the courses, including the full suite class and the How to Write for Digital course, featuring HAP Founder Brandon Berkson.

Here’s how to enter: Brainstorm three to six creative travel story angles for autumn you believe would be a fit for Hotels Above Par (your article should be research-based and should not require a physical visit to a certain place). Submissions will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. ET on Sept. 30, 2023. The following week, HAP Founder & Editor-in-Chief @brandonberksonx will work with course leaders @ninamarienyc and @staceyleasca to pick one winner, who will have the opportunity to write their pitched story, including a paid byline, for Hotels Above Par. 

Once signed up for Be a Travel Writer (or if you are already), submit your pitches here.

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